Celebrating Nurses Week: Honoring the Heartbeat of Healthcare

As we approach Nurses Week, a time dedicated to recognizing the invaluable contributions of nurses worldwide, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the profound impact these healthcare heroes make every day. From providing compassionate care to advocating for patients’ rights, nurses are the heartbeat of the healthcare system, embodying dedication, empathy, and expertise. At […]

Considerations in Wound Debridement: A Comprehensive Analysis

Wound debridement, a fundamental aspect of wound management, necessitates meticulous consideration of various factors to ensure optimal patient outcomes. This procedure, vital in promoting wound healing and preventing complications, involves the removal of devitalized tissue, foreign material, and debris from the wound bed. To execute effective debridement, healthcare providers must assess and address several critical […]

Wound Bed Preparation and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)

In our last discussion, I had used the EZDebride Wound Instrument in conjunction with NPWT with excellent results.  In fact, the patient’s wound healed 2 weeks following discontinuance of the NPWT.  We also surprised the Wound Vac company since we discontinued it prior to their anticipated date:  the patient was receiving supplies after the fact.   […]

Wound Bed Preparation and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)

Headshot of Dr. Francis Derk

In my last blog, I presented a case in which surgical debridement and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy were utilized in tandem. As noted, the patient’s wound decreased significantly in just 3 weeks. Therefore, I was very curious and decided to take a look at the rate by which the wound was healing. I was very […]

Wound Bed Preparation and Debridement with EZDebride

The Wound Situation Recently, I had a very interesting and very sad case of a patient who underwent an I&D for a deep space abscess of his foot, a PICC Line placement for IV antibiotics, and a negative pressure device placed over the surgical site. The patient started with a simple Wagner grade I ulceration […]

Wound Bed Preparation: The Fight Against Biofilm with Sharp Debridement Part V

I trust and hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season this year and I still can not believe that we are just about to enter 2024! Today I wanted to continue discussing the EZDebride Wound Instrument and its advantages. But before I dive into that, I wanted to discuss some observations and discussions I had […]

Wound Bed Preparation:  The Fight Against Biofilm with Sharp Debridement Part III

In our last installment, we discussed Biofilm in Chronic Wounds and Sharp Debridement.  Previously, we also discussed how and why Chronic Wounds develop due to the lack of regulatory control of ROS or Reactive Oxygen Species (H2O2, OH, etc).  Today, I would like to share my recent experiences and personal observations especially as it relates […]