The Importance of Wound Bed Preparation Part III

In our last Blog, we discussed the impact of the presence of Bacterial Fluorescence (Biofilm) on Split Thickness Skin Graft Survival Rates and Wound Size Demographics.  And keeping in tempo with Wound Bed Preparation, I would like to share the “how” in the eradication of Biofilm from the wound bed. The slides presented are from […]

The Importance of Wound Bed Preparation:  Part II

Per our recent discussion on Bacterial Fluorescence Imaging as a Predictor of Skin Graft Integration, I would also like to share another slide demonstrating the importance of eradication of Bacterial Fluorescence or Bioburden/Biofilm.  The prior article consisted of Split Thickness Skin Grafts and their survival rate based on the eradication of bacterial fluorescence or the […]

The Importance of Wound Bed Preparation:  Part I

Since our last discussion, I have been to Reykjavik, Iceland, for the Global Summit, TexFix here in San Antonio, Texas, SAWC in Orlando, Florida, and WOCNext in Cleveland, Ohio, and very happy to be back in corresponding with you all.  As you recall, we left off with sharp debridement and negative pressure.  I had the […]

Wound Bed Preparation:  The Fight Against Biofilm with Sharp Debridement Part V

I trust and hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season this year and I still can not believe that we are just about to enter 2024! Today I wanted to continue discussing the EZDebride Wound Instrument and its advantages.  But before I dive into that, I wanted to discuss some observations and discussions I had […]

Orlando hosts MDM Wound Ventures at SAWC

MDM Wound Ventures is also delighted to reflect on our successful participation in partnership with Kent Imaging at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) Spring 2024, a premier event hosted by HMP Global. Held in Orlando, Florida, this renowned conference brought together experts, clinicians, and innovators from around the world to share the latest […]

MDM Wound Ventures attends TexFix

MDM Wound Ventures participated in TexFix 2024, a key event dedicated to advancing the field of wound care and hosted by the Texas Wound Care Association. Held in San Antonio, Texas, this conference provided a dynamic platform for healthcare professionals, researchers, and industry leaders to share insights and innovations. At TexFix 2024, our team had […]

Global Podiatry Summit and MDM Wound Ventures

MDM Wound Ventures also had a successful participation in the Global Podiatry Summit, a premier event dedicated to advancing podiatric medicine and hosted by the International Federation of Podiatrists. Held in Reykjavik, Iceland, this summit gathered leading podiatrists, healthcare professionals, and industry innovators from around the world to share knowledge, research, and advancements in podiatry […]

MDM Wound Ventures attends the Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium

MDM Wound Ventures is proud to reflect on our participation in the Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium: The Edges of Wound Care 2024, a distinguished event hosted by the Mayo Clinic. Held in Rochester, Minnesota, this symposium brought together leading clinicians, researchers, and innovators to discuss the latest advancements and best practices in wound care. Our […]

Enhancing Wound Care with Sharp Debridement: A Vital Step in Wound Preparation

wound care patient

Introduction: In the realm of wound care, effective management requires a meticulous approach, addressing not just the surface but also the underlying factors contributing to delayed healing. Among the arsenal of techniques available, sharp debridement stands out as a crucial intervention, offering a targeted solution to stubborn wounds. At, we understand the pivotal role […]

Comprehensive Guide to Preparing for Wound Debridement

wound care patient

Understanding Wound Debridement Wound debridement is a medical procedure used to remove dead, damaged, or infected tissue to promote healing and prevent infection. This process is crucial in creating an optimal environment for new tissue growth and can significantly enhance the recovery of chronic or severe wounds. Types of Debridement Surgical Debridement: Performed by a […]